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Learn more about
the inspection process.

Frequently Asked Questions.


How long does an inspection take?

  • A home inspection typically takes 2.5 to 4 hours depending on the size of the house. A general guideline we use is one hour per thousand square feet, with a minimum of 2 hours.

  • Any additional services such as pools, septic systems, workshops, etc. may add additional time.


How much do you charge?

  • Prices are based on the square footage and age of the home. Some services such as septic system, pools, workshops, etc. may add additional cost.


What is included with the inspection?

  • All of our home inspections include a thorough evaluation of the foundation, roof, HVAC, plumbing, electrical system, sprinklers, WDI (termite) and thermal imaging.


When will I receive the report?

  • Reports are computer generated with digital pictures. Reports are delivered via email by the end of the same day as the inspection.


Do the homebuyers have to be there?

  • The homebuyers do not have to attend the inspection. We will be available for phone calls to go over the reports at your convenience. However, if homebuyers are wanting to attend, we encourage attending the last 30 minutes.  This is a great opportunity to walk around with the inspector and go over any findings and answer any questions you may have.

Can a house fail a home inspection?

  • No, home inspections are not pass or fail inspections.  They are intended to give you the condition of the home and it’s systems.


Is a home inspection the same as a home appraisal?

  • No, a home inspection is designed to identify issues with the property, structure and components.  A home appraisal determines the value of the property for lending purposes.


Should I have my newly constructed home inspected by a third-party professional home inspector? 

  • Absolutely! It is always a good idea to get a home inspection, even on newly constructed homes, there may be issues or concerns that should be addressed prior to closing.


What if the home inspection report reveals problems?

  • This is precisely why you want a home inspection. If serious issues are discovered, you have the information needed to determine if you want to negotiate repairs, ask for concessions, move forward or not.

Standard Inspections

  • ​Fireplace

  • Exterior Components

  • Grading & Drainage

  • Walls

  • Windows

  • Patios

  • Decks

  • ​HVAC Systems

  • Roof Covering & Structure

  • Attic Ventilation & Insulation

  • Gutters & Downspouts

  • Chimney

  • Flashing

  • Structural Components

  • Foundation

  • Crawlspace

  • Electrical Systems

  • Plumbing Systems

  • Interior Components

  • Built In appliances

  • Walls

  • Floors

  • Ceilings

Our home inspections adhere to and exceed the mandatory TREC Standards of Practice, as well as the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors Standards of Practice.

Our experienced inspectors will conduct a comprehensive examination of your home, utilizing state-of-the-art tools, cutting-edge technologies, and industry-leading criteria. Our team holds the necessary licenses and certifications to assess pools, spas, sprinkler systems, septic systems, water wells, and perform WDI (termite) inspections.

Upon completion of the inspection, you will receive a user-friendly, digital report featuring detailed descriptions and accompanying photos of any identified issues. Should you have any inquiries or concerns, our team is readily available to discuss and clarify the report with you.

"We encourage your presence during the inspection, particularly the last 30 minutes. During this time we can familiarize you with the home and answer any questions you may have."

- Lead Inspector, Shawn Reed TREC#22845

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